I'll never forget the walk to the
station, Me with your suitcase
being brotherly and strong.
And trying to make light of the
whole situation, In light conversation
we moved through the throng
And you with your bright
eyes and best dress for travelling
And me in my work clothes,
unshaven and plain, I fully
intended to put in the half day,
But my good intentions went
with you on the train.
And I never looked back as
the train left the station,
Crossed over the roadway and
into the park, And there
in a bar an old man was singing,
And I sat there drinking until
it got dark.
And above me the stars were all
hidden by rain clouds, The song
of the old man still was locked in my
brain, And all emigration, the curse
of a nation the setting now fitting
his sad sweet refrain.
And above all the roar of the
town was the blue sky, I heard
the birds singing for the
dawning of the day And there was
no support from the city
forthcoming, No sympathy
numbing your going away.
arr. Show Of Hands